Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Mining MADE Easy
AEC&M Industry Software based on the Last Planner System. Designed for owners, developers, architects, contractors, constructors, engineers and suppliers, of the built environment. Built by deep respected industry professionals.
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Construction Industry Software integrating ALL your project needs. P2IC is a web based enabling solution incorporating the fundamentals of the Last Planner System of Production Control and Lean Construction Techniques.
Designed specifically for owners, developers, architects, contractors, constructors, engineers, or suppliers of the built environment that requires successful capital based project outcomes.
P2IC encourages and challenges companies and capital based projects to utilize technology in a more advanced and efficient way, allowing greater business intelligence at a micro and macro level.

We use best of class globally recognised server and code based systems.
Our servers are AICPA SOC 2 Type II and SOC 3 Type II certified, Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) STAR Level 1, GDPR compliant, and aiming to be the first cloud provider of Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPR).
All our servers are located in the country in which the project is located in, giving you peace of mind.

In addition to the capabilities of providing production management at project level, P2IC has the capability of being deployed at project, branch or enterprise level, and can be customized to incorporate ANY of your project or business requirements.

Although the core feature of P2IC is built around production management and control, it allows you to have one project or business portal where you have the possibility to integrate any other of your other legacy management systems into our enabling solution with user access assigned. With over 250 bespoke software adapters, we not only pull data and display it within our enabling solution but push data back where it currently belongs. P2IC also offers you the capability of building your own requirements where needed.

P2IC is an innovative evolving enabling solution improving project collaboration and supporting better project delivery. It allows projects to reach consensus faster, make better decisions, make work ready for execution, capture reasons and root causes for improvement initiatives, and improve project delivery.

Business Intelligence
Deployment of P2IC has the aim to provide you with greater business intelligence so that the real-time data you pull from the application, allows you to make more informed decisions. When deployed at enterprise level, you can slice and dice your project data NOW rather than waiting for the end of your reporting period. The aim is to make you smarter, quicker!